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Research Paper

Italy’s Jihadists in the Syrian Civil War

23 Aug 2016
Long read by Francesco Marone

This ICCT Research Paper examines the current extent of Italy’s Sunni jihadists in Syria. Italy presents interesting particularities, including a relatively small number of foreign fighters compared to other European countries (around one hundred, and only a small minority with Italian passports, according to recent estimates), the scant presence of domestic recruitment networks operating within the country and the prevalence of individual pathways of radicalisation over group mechanisms. However, the Italian case has not been extensively investigated. This exploratory paper, based on a case study-driven approach, first examines the scale of the problem and then focuses on the individual cases of four Italian nationals who differ in terms of both sex and origin. It also takes into account the different reactions of their families.

Read the Research Paper.

How to cite: Marone, F. “Italy’s Jihadists in the Syrian Civil War”, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague 7, no. 7 (2016).