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Anna Schmauder


Anna Schmauder is a Research Fellow at Clingendael’s Conflict Research Unit. In this capacity, she focuses on hybrid governance in peacebuilding contexts and the linkage of migration and security dynamics in the Sahel region

Prior to joining Clingendael, Anna has worked as research assistant for International Crisis Group in Nairobi, the EU Horizon 2020 project EU-LISTCO and the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research. She has further gained work experience at the German Federal Foreign Office and the German Bundestag, where she worked as Research Associate for a MP.

As MA candidate of the double degree program 'Political Sciences - Affaires Internationales' with Sciences Po Paris and Freie Universität Berlin, she is currently writing her thesis on migration policies and peacebuilding in the Sahel. Anna is a trained mediator and holds a BA in Political Science and History from the University of Heidelberg.


Schmauder, A. Acteurs Coutumiers dans un Contexte Singulier: Le Cas du Nord-Est du Mali. Report, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, Clingendael, and USAID, 09 March 2022

Schmauder, A.  Customary Characters in Uncustomary Circumstances: The Case of Northeastern Mali. Report, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, Clingendael, and USAID, 09 March 2022

Willeme A., Schmauder, A. and De Bruijne, K. Acteurs Coutumiers dans un Contexte Singulier: Le Cas de la Région du Sahel au Burkina Faso. Report, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, Clingendael, and USAID, 23 February 2022

Willeme, A., Schmauder, A. and De Bruijne, K. Customary Characters in Uncustomary Circumstances: The Case of Burkina Faso's Sahel Region. Report, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, Clingendael, and USAID, 23 February 2022

Schmauder, A. Acteurs Coutumiers dans un Contexte Singulier: Le Cas de la Région Est du Burkina Faso. Report, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, Clingendael, and USAID, 16 February 2022

Schmauder, A. Customary Characters in Uncustomary Circumstances: The Case of Burkina Faso's Est Region. Report, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, Clingendael, and USAID, 16 February 2022